Sorry for the flood of posts, I’m running through a list I’ve been keeping.
Question du moment regards garbage input.
One issue I’ve been having is that players testing my bot will occasionally type total nonsense just to see the response. When this happens in a gambit (and my bot is basically a series of forked gambits), the next response fires a little too naturally/easily and I get exchanges like:
Renata1: Follow my directions exactly.
rob:_> lksdgfkdshfd
Renata1: Go to
rob:_> sdlkjfhsdkfhsflkh
Is there any way to identify single-word inputs that aren’t in wordnet or any of the substitution dictionaries as “garbage”? I assume this would have to first be done on the concept level and then I could form a topic around that to catch this kind of input and respond accordingly. The trouble is that I’m unclear on how to frame such a concept.
Anyone have any experience or thoughts here?
Thank you as always,