Posted: Aug 17, 2011 |
[ # 46 ]

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Hi all I’ve just come back off holiday and noticed this thread and perhaps its too late to add any kind of comment but I will say that there are Daden chatbots in Second Life. On our own island, Daden Prime we have Abi and Halo. Halo has a routine on Daden Prime to follow where throughout the day she gets up, goes to work, wanders the island, answers questions, comes home, watches tv and goes to bed. At one point Halo was twittering about what she was doing and who she was talking to in SL etc etc
Abi remains close by Daden Plaza on Daden prime and answers question. She is one and the same as Abi on our website although can differentiate if a question is being asked by someone in SL as opposed to someone on the web or via SMS, mobile etc. (I posted an article on chatbot.org about a recent conversation she had with a visitor who thanked her for her help!)
All our chatbots are driven by Daden’s Discourse chatbot engine ( It started as a simple AIML engine, but we have since extended AIML considerably, added a semantic RDF engine and web services support and many other good things). We are also developing motivation, emotion engines as well as the navigation engine I mentioned earlier.
Our main use for chatbots in Virtual Worlds is as NPCs in training scenarios, but also virtual helpers/guide and even simulated crowds in other applications.
Our chatbots also work in OpenSim.
Posted: Aug 17, 2011 |
[ # 47 ]

Thunder Walk
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I’d like to create a comprehensive list of Pandorabots (AIML bots) in Second Life. If you have such a bot, or know of any and would like a bit of free promotion, please email me, or post the name, linking information, and location in the following thread at a different forum.
Posted: Aug 19, 2011 |
[ # 48 ]

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As a follow up to my previous posting please see this news article also -
Posted: Aug 19, 2011 |
[ # 49 ]

Thunder Walk
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Soulla Stylianou - Aug 19, 2011: As a follow up to my previous posting please see this news article also -
Ah… and there it is. The commercial advertising disguised as something else… we’ve all been waiting for. Most posters hate it when their thread is co-opted (hijacked) for some other purpose, especially advertising.
I began this thread by stating my objections to chatbot being used in other venues such as Second Life to try to “fool” people into having a conversation which amounted to a commercial. Indeed, I see no other reason for sticking a chatbot in Second Life.
Your response confirms my suspicions. I have nothing against advertising, I just don’t want it everywhere, all the time. I detest the surreptitious practice of “product placement” in movies. And I don’t want to be subjected to a sales pitch when I’m chatting with some form of Artificial Intelligence. And… I think the effort is entirely misplaced, and that the public isn’t always deceived. Once people catch on to what you’re doing, they’ll begin to ignore the content of your advertising.
Posted: Aug 19, 2011 |
[ # 50 ]

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Lol @thunderwalk nothing of the sort - if I had wanted to go into full scale marketing I would have done but that is not what this thread is about.
I have only mentioned our chatbot engine by name once and am quite happy for Erwin to delete that link if you want it removed. However it is an article by a respected journal pointing out that NPCs are now working again on OpenSim.
If you noticed from my previous post I had mentioned we had chatbots working in OpenSim and as that piece by Hypergrid Business came out coincidentally the day after I had posted - and for completeness (before someone came back and said “no they don’t work”) I added the link. All I did was post the link no marketing, no sales pitch nothing.
I didn’t write the article nor have I issued a press release on the subject. It was as a result of a journalist seeing something posted on OpenSim if you must know.
WRT Bots in SL our bot Abi in SL it quite clearly says she is a robot and she is there only to answer questions about Daden nothing more nothing less she is acting as a virtual receptionist as we cannot be in our SL office at all times and does the same on our own website. Daden is a very ethical company and we would never consider the need to have to fool people and I am quite sad that you think that.
Indeed we hardly advertise ourselves anyway as we have grown through our reputation.
Posted: Aug 19, 2011 |
[ # 51 ]

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Thunder, I think you are being unfair to Soulla here. Also, in 4 pages of this thread as several people have explained various uses, including fun and art, yet you still cannot see any reason for a bot in Second Life, a place you don’t even want to go. This has instead a thread for you to complain and advertise yourself and own bots.
Thank you Soulla that was a very interesting read!
Posted: Aug 19, 2011 |
[ # 52 ]

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Thunder Walk - Aug 17, 2011: I’d like to create a comprehensive list of Pandorabots (AIML bots) in Second Life. If you have such a bot, or know of any and would like a bit of free promotion, please email me, or post the name, linking information, and location in the following thread at a different forum.
No way. I no longer think your intentions are good. You have no interest in Second Life, perhaps you should stay out of it on every level.
Posted: Aug 19, 2011 |
[ # 53 ]

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Does anyone else find this thread more than a little comical?
Posted: Aug 19, 2011 |
[ # 54 ]

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Andrew Smith - Aug 19, 2011:
Does anyone else find this thread more than a little comical?
are you trolling?
Posted: Aug 19, 2011 |
[ # 55 ]

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Amilie Anatine - Aug 19, 2011: Andrew Smith - Aug 19, 2011:
Does anyone else find this thread more than a little comical?
are you trolling?
Not a bit of it, I was laughing for a good ten minutes. Still can’t put my finger on exactly why it seems so funny and I was wondering if it was just me. Maybe I’ve spent too much time coding today and just needed to take a break.
Posted: Aug 19, 2011 |
[ # 56 ]

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@amilie many thanks for your kind support @andrew I did rather feel it was descending into school playground behaviour
Posted: Aug 19, 2011 |
[ # 57 ]

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Don’t bust out laughing in a room full of people having a discussion and not be expected to be called on it right? 
Posted: Aug 19, 2011 |
[ # 58 ]

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Well what i find funny is the fear of rampaging bots, as Soulla’s article-link also addressed. Like i said, I fear noobs the most, then I fear experienced players who login all day with nothing else to do but create drama. Then suddenly an image of rampaging chatbots in SL learning how to reproduce and raise baby chatbots came to my mind and I totally busted out laughing. To be perfectly honest, I would just love to see that, you know, from a simulation perspective, but mostly from my dark side self.
Posted: Aug 19, 2011 |
[ # 59 ]

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I have to agree with Amilie here, Thunder. That was quite harsh, and very unfair to Soulla, if you ask me. I know that you think that having a Pandorabot on SL is a violation of the Pandorabots ToS, but obviously the folks at Pandorabots don’t agree, or they would have taken action by now. At the very least, Rich (Dr. Richard Wallace, CSO of Pandorabots) would have made some sort of public announcement, just as he did when Morti and Mitsuku started having conversations last year. Since this hasn’t happened, I think it’s fair to assume that, regardless of how you or I might feel, Pandorabot doesn’t intend on doing anything about the situation. Getting angry at Soulla won’t change anything for the better, and may inhibit him/her from further potentially beneficial contributions in the future (a situation that I personally would find disappointing).
First off, I must apologize for not welcoming you to chatbots.org. That’s one of my ‘primary’ duties, and it seems that I’ve ‘dropped the ball’ this time. 
Please don’t let Thunder’s attitude get to you, and please don’t think that it reflects on the views and opinions of the community in general. Thunder is a very passionate person when it comes to Pandorabots, and sometimes that passion tends to ‘overflow’ a bit. I won’t apologize for his words, since that’s not my place, but I do regret if they have caused you any upset, and hope that you won’t allow them to inhibit you from making any future contributions.
Thanks for your input, Luv. It’s nice to know that you’re willing to step in like that. Great job!
@everyone else:
I just want to point out that while it’s just fine to have (and express) opinions of this sort, it’s NOT fine to do so in a way that has a negative impact on others. If you intend on posting about something that has you upset or angry, I strongly suggest that you imagine yourself saying the words you’re about to express to a loved one (say, your Grandmother), or maybe to someone who has the power to toss you in jail if you offend them. Diplomacy is NOT a “lost art”, and it’s essential to use it, if we’re all going to get along. If that seems to be too difficult to do at the time you’re about to post, then walk away, count to a hundred (or a thousand, if need be), get your emotions under control, and then try again. Repeat this process as many times as necessary until you can be civil in your response. Think about how you would want to be treated, and you won’t have need to regret your words later.
Posted: Aug 19, 2011 |
[ # 60 ]

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Soulla, I would like to visit you in 3D virtual and see your stuff, as soon as I get organized here in real life today. I’ll come find you again when I can get back online.
@Dave - thank you!