It has speech capabilities using the Microsoft Speech API. I tested it a it speaks indeed, but should voice recognition work as well?
Voice Recognition is not part of the current version. In general, I try to keep Skynet-AI cross platform and independent of OS. It has run on every thing from video game systems, to cell phones, and across MAC/IPAD/IPOD and MS Windows.
The voice output is a special case where I am testing for capabilities only found in Internet Explorer & Windows and then activating the voice feature. Even then the user may have to tweak his browser settings to get it to work well.
I normally don’t use voice input on my Computer so it has not been high on my list. But, I just got a nice HD web cam for Christmas so I may bump up voice and face recognition.
You’re talking about JAIL-Javascript Artificial Intelligent Language. How did that work for you?
JAIL(TM) (Javascript Artificial Intelligent Language) was a framework that I invented to explore AI and chatbots. It has worked extremely well, allowing flexibility and portability that I could not have achieved with other frameworks. It also has benefited from recent advances in JavaScript interpreter technology enabling speed that I would not have originally thought possible. I will probably start a new thread about Skynet-AI and if people are interested I can go into further details there.
Interesting, hopefully it doesn’t link to this thread:
Actually, it did relate. The short form of the story though is that the bot to bot communication was not the Denial of Service Attacks aimed at But, if left without regulation, this type of thing could cause problems for chat bot hosting companies.
so you’re actually imagining a future where all chatbots works together dynamically and each interaction with humanity is automatically fed into the ‘system’ and makes all chatbots on earth smarter?
Maybe something like “Skynet” or the “Matrix” or the “World Wide Semantic Web”? ![smile](
Before we reach “Singularity” there are more reasonable and practical methods of bots sharing info. Most botmasters using AIML (Artificial Intelligence Markup Language) start with the ALICE AAA brain. Commercial users may even start with the AIML “Superbot” as a base.
Other bot masters are wondering how to use Wikipedia in Chatbot Learning ( There are a number of efforts trying to codify common sense knowledge so that programs can be smarter.
In the future we could see a bot WIKI where we keep all the standard learning and algorithms a starter bot needs. As a bot evolves it would learn from its experiences. Not only in communication with humans but in learning how best to accomplish certain activities (algorithms).
For example:
Dave Morton and Victor Shulist worked on “word to digit” converters. Each implemented a method of converting input text to numbers (since bots are much better at numbers). I implemented something similar. Today we need to manually add that functionality into our programs.
In the future, when a bot meets other bots, it may query for public algorithms and input/response databases and add functionality (or topic knowledge) dynamically. It could also share with other bots open source algorithms it has learned.
Humans do similar things now. Why not bots?