Just popping in because Erwin dropped me a note 
Dave Morton - Feb 14, 2012:
I think Hans was one of the “victims” of one of the “passionate exchanges” (read: flame wars) that occurred many moons ago. I got the distinct impression that he couldn’t really handle someone having a different viewpoint from his own.
Hmmmm….. completely to the contrary I would say
... I handled those ‘exchanges’ always in good spirit and don’t recall ever have said something to the extend of being disgruntled or something like that, although I did think certain other members where going of a tangent at some times (and I know for a fact I’m not alone in that view). But let’s bygones be bygones 
Dave Morton - Feb 14, 2012:
Sad, really, because he had some really good ideas to contribute. 
Funny enough this is exactly why I have somewhat left this board behind for the time being: all my ideas and research are now locked down in non-disclosure agreements while we are in the process of raising funding (we are talking 6 figures here) to build a full spec prototype on top of my concepts. Several investors have shown serious interest in what I’m doing so there was no other direction to move and I was kindly but firmly requested to ‘stop putting your ideas into a public forum’. So there you have it