I’m developing an app (Ionic framework) with a chatbot using AIML (Pandorabots). My project goal: The chatbot should ask questions and the user have to answer. I want to collect these answers and save them into an external file (to send these collected data to a server where another person can analyze the information).
That’s the plan. At the moment I’ve two problems and I hope that you can help me:
1. I want that the chatbot sends the first message (greeting message “Hello and welcome!”), but I’ve no idea how to realize this in AIML…because AIML is based on reacting to an input. Is hard coding the only way?
2. This is my biggest problem…I know that I can store information with the <set> tag and I’ve read that AIML works similar to a database concerning the <set> and <get> tag. But where does AIML store these information? Can I export these information…for example as a XML file?
Best regards