
Total posts: 3111
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Hey, folks!
I thought I would pop in to let you know that I’ll be taking a road trip soon (the day after tomorrow, to be exact), so may not be around much until late August. A new chapter has begun on my life, and it’s filled with adventure, excitement, and some small danger, so I’m really kind of jazzed!
There will be a solar eclipse the 17th of August that I plan on viewing with my niece in Kentucky, and after that I’m headed east, to Art’s neck of the woods, and plan to be there a while (not AT Art’s, mind you, but nearby). I don’t wish to post TOO many details, as I don’t wish to jinx the trip, but I’ll be checking in periodically to let you guys know what’s going on. It promises to be a GRAND ADVENTURE, and it’s long overdue. Please behave while I’m gone, and if you don’t hear from me by September send Art after me. 
[edit] I should point out here that I had the date of the eclipse wrong. It was the 21st. Oops?[/edit]
Posted: Aug 1, 2017 |
[ # 1 ]

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Have a great time Dave. Well deserved my friend.
Posted: Aug 12, 2017 |
[ # 2 ]

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I got to Mom’s ok, and got the Toyota disassembled. Found the cause for the snapped timing chain, too. It seems that a bolt that holds one of the timing chain guides down wasn’t tightened properly, and fell out, wedging between the chain and sprocket, which of course snapped the chain. No other damage occurred, so I should be able to put it all back together with no worries. Been raining, so reassembly will have to wait for clearer weather. We’re having a family get-together later today, and I may try to get some fishing in. More updates as they happen. 
Posted: Aug 12, 2017 |
[ # 3 ]

Total posts: 2048
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Must be great to see the family again. Enjoy your break (and I don’t mean the one in your chain!)
Posted: Aug 13, 2017 |
[ # 4 ]

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Before the trip Dave posted, “I don’t wish to post TOO many details, as I don’t wish to jinx the trip” And afterwards Dave posted details of a jinx on the trip, “Found the cause for the snapped timing chain, too.” Maybe posting too many trip details could have avoided the jinx?
CAUTION: A broken timing chain often means a blown engine or major engine work: Heads, valves, water pump, etc. If the engine does run, depending on where you break down on the road, it could be quite a while before they come to your rescue.
So, ask yourself, “What do I need if I break down on the road?”
Phone, (fully charged, with minutes) Emergency phone numbers,
Food, Water, Blanket, Baseball cap, Extra Cash, Tools
Mosquito repellent, Toilet paper, Flashlight
Posted: Aug 14, 2017 |
[ # 5 ]

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Actually, the timing chain broke on the Toyota a few days before the trip started (the day before I posted, in fact), so it really doesn’t count as a “jynx”. But the trip isn’t over yet, as the intended destination is Maryland, so you may still have your chance. 
Posted: Aug 14, 2017 |
[ # 6 ]

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Oh, you got this, then! I forgot I was dealing with a mechanic here. Still, it is good to be prepared, just in case. Be sure to get good glasses to look at the eclipse. Heard the rumor, knockoffs being sold may cause blindness?
Posted: Aug 17, 2017 |
[ # 7 ]

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Already handled. I’ve had solar viewing specs for years. Sadly, the weather here doesn’t look promising, so most likely I’ll just watch the eclipse on TV. The Science channel has all day coverage planned, starting from when the eclipse makes landfall in Oregon till it leaves South Carolina. The advantage to that is that there is always additional information given about the history, science and culture of eclipses that you wouldn’t normally learn unless you were paying top dollar for a “geek outing” style event. 
Posted: Aug 22, 2017 |
[ # 8 ]

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Dave Morton - Jul 31, 2017: Hey, folks!
There will be a solar eclipse the 17th of August that I plan on viewing with my niece in Kentucky, and after that I’m headed east…
You enthusiasm is touching however I think you might be about four days too early to view the “eclipse”, unless Kentucky has their own scheduled. One never knows….
Posted: Aug 23, 2017 |
[ # 9 ]

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∞Pla•Net - Aug 14, 2017: ... Be sure to get good glasses to look at the eclipse. Heard the rumor, knockoffs being sold may cause blindness?
Nope, those glasses are perfectly safe.
It’s the sun that might cause the blindness!
just sayin’
Posted: Aug 24, 2017 |
[ # 10 ]

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Art Gladstone - Aug 22, 2017: You enthusiasm is touching however I think you might be about four days too early to view the “eclipse”, unless Kentucky has their own scheduled. One never knows….
That was just me misremembering the date. Oops? 
Posted: Aug 24, 2017 |
[ # 11 ]

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No worries Mate. Misremembering is how most of us more ‘mature’ individuals get by. Speaking from experience Dave.
Uhh…it is still Dave isn’t it? 
Posted: Aug 25, 2017 |
[ # 12 ]

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I hope so. I haven’t checked in a while. It may be Margaret now, who knows? 
Posted: Sep 11, 2017 |
[ # 13 ]

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Hey buddy, have missed this thread totally. Missed you on the e-mail however, this is the explanation . Hope you had (or still having?) a great time!!
Posted: Sep 11, 2017 |
[ # 14 ]

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Hi, Erwin! 
I’m doing well, all things considered. The truck is now running, and I’m continuing the engine breakin process required for any vehicle that gets an engine overhaul done on it. I’m still at Mom’s house, as she and my brother have asked me to stay for a short time to help get some things done before my brother’s transplant operation in November (long story, and rather private, so if REALLY interested I can discuss it via email). I’ve been making some breakthroughs at work, and have successfully created a chatbot interface (in Chrome so far, but soon in all other major browsers) that allows users to have a verbal conversation with a chatbot, with no typing at all (the publicly available version will be out in a few days, I’m hoping). I’ve also been working with Bruce (Wilcox) on his entry for this year’s Loebner Prize, and these efforts have shown me how I can enter my chatbot, Morti, into the competition as well. ALl in all good things! 
Posted: Sep 11, 2017 |
[ # 15 ]

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