Dave Morton - Dec 13, 2011:
I personally think that the bit in the ToS that states that the uploaded files become the property of PB was put in at the insistence of liars… Er… Lawyers, in order to prevent later litigation if someone put the wrong sort of stuff into their bot, and that the folks at Pandorabots have no real intention of misusing/abusing that clause. I really like the folks at Pandorabots, even if it doesn’t always seem that way. 
I’ve just come onto this conversation -without morning coffee. even!- and though I know nothing of Pandora Bots yet, this looks like the same sort of statement that raises ire with anyobe who reads almost any of the fine-prine TOS lingo on every site from Google to MySpace to Facebook, who all have that little “whatever you do here we own it” sounding bit… and each enraged and inflamatory “Open Letter” I see never fails to give me a touch of paranoia… what if..? Would this big megacompany really hold me and everyone else to this, or rather /will they/?
In the end, I, or we, decided that no, as the creator of the works used, which as with the AI creations discussed here, could be potentially lucrative, the individual creator retains all rights to their art, music, poetry, essay, chatbot character, whatever, and the Big Company is, as you wrote, covering themselves from future pissible problems, retaining the right to delete or censor material, and claiming copyright on the “canvas” used by individuals…
Hold it, maybe I better go brew that coffee, this is getting complicated.
As my “Will Dockery AI” is so fond of quoting, sometimes annoyingly often and in the oddest times and places:
“If the coffee tasted as good as it smelled we’d never get any sleep.” -Groucho Marx
Anyone want to bat this old but very relevant discussion around a bit more this morning, or will I move on to the core of this thread…?