I’m not sure if Program AB replaces the apostrophe (or other accent mark, if it’s not an apostrophe) with a space or not. I just don’t have the experience with that platform that I should. If it does, then you need to do the same in your patterns, so that this:
<pattern>* ME DONNER LHEURE</pattern>
would look like this:
<pattern>* ME DONNER L HEURE</pattern>
Also, this AIML code:
<srai>QUELLE HEURE *</srai>
should be written like this:
<srai>QUELLE HEURE <star/></srai>
Wildcards like * or _ are not used in the <template> portion of the AIML code, but are instead to be written as <star> tags. If you have more than one wildcard in any of the “pattern-side” AIML tags (PATTERN, THAT or TOPIC) they are given a numerical index that begins with 1. Please see the examples, below for clarification:
<!-- Using a wildcard in a topic -->
<topic name="* FISHING">
<pattern>WHERE DO YOU LIKE TO GO</pattern>
I like to go <topicstar index="1"/> fishing at Lake Castiac.
<!-- Using a wildcard within a <that> tag -->
<that>DO YOU LIKE TO * at *</that>
So do I. After a long day of work, I often find <thatstar index="2"/> is the perfect place to <thatstar/>.
<!-- Using a wildcard in a pattern -->
<pattern>MY * IS *</pattern>
Let me see if I have this right. Are you telling me you have a <star index="2"/> <star index="1"/>?
Please note that both <star/> and <star index=“1”/> are the same exact thing, and are interchangeable. The same thing goes for <thatstar> and <topicstar> tags, too.
Now for some example outputs, based on the AIML code above (and some additional ALICE AIML code that’s assumed to be in place)
You: Let’s talk about fly fishing.
bot: Sure. Fly fishing sounds like a good topic. (this sets the topic to FLY FISHING)
You:Where do you like to go?
bot: I like to go FLY fishing at Lake Castiac.
You: I’ve never been there.
bot: Do you like to FLY fish at Lake Havasu?
You: yes.
bot: So do I. After a long day of work, I often find Lake Havasu is the perfect place to FLY fish.
You: That’s cool.
bot: I’m glad you think so.
You: My dog is crazy.
bot: Let me see if I have this right. Are you telling me you have a crazy dog?
You: lol yes.
bot: I’m glad you found that amusing. That’s amazing!
If everything is coded properly, this is pretty much the sort of conversation that you can expect by using the AIML code that I’ve provided above. Of course the above conversation relies on having more AIML code than I’ve given, but if you have the most recent version of the ALICE AIML set in use in addition to what I’ve given, you can expect a very similar sort of bot output. I hope this clarifies things a bit.