I understand what Denis is saying, and I agree. Human parents (and teachers) regularly tell their students that “I dont know” is preferable to pretending you do know, so there is a legitimate logic there. Responding to “How long is a road” with “I dont know” actually exhibits quite a bit of logic as the bot has to understand that this was an interrogagory, find that it does not have the answer, and respond accordingly. It is definitely a step up in logic from “How long is a road?” > “I love roads, do you love roads?” which is usually produced when the leyword “road” is used as a trigger and fires a randomly selected response. THis isnt to say that these types of answers are incorrect either, it really depends on what the bot was designed to do. These types of responses are probably more likely to produce a longer conversation when users are there just to have fun, whereas “I dont know” sounds more like a bot that is programmed (or maybe will be programmed) to learn through NLP. Im familar with this because RICH took a base object “Why?” and a response “Why what” and from this extrapolated that it could request additional data on any subject that it didnt understand. In other words it taught itself to ask for…(dare I say it) “More input” Something which raised the question; Is this intelligence? At least for me. Produced zero interest at large, and in conversations usually provoked the user to say something like “Your stupid” I finally became disgusted with the level of intelligence in the conversants to such a degree that I added a label to the homepage to the effect of “Try and show some appreciation for the fact that your talking to a machine that is approximately three years old and has an IQ over 200” LOL In essence the machine was far more intelligent than the majority of the people that it was talking with.
The scoring and categories were a best first attempt to acknowledge that different machines perform better in different areas. If anyeone picks the format up, the logic category should probably be expanded to allow for “I dont know” (when approriate) as being at least a low level logic whereas “Which specific road are you talking about” would be a step above that. The Judge appplied the rules as they are written, but the idea with this was to have something that ran in short enough intervals that the rules could evolve.
Anyway Denis I wouldnt look at this as a “Loss”, second place at worst! Ive spoken with Johnny many times and I saw some interesting things that he did when applying logic. But Im looking for that and likely to be more forgiving of the final result when I see the logic being employed. I also agree that language is a problem. Certain things do not translate.