If your bot has only a few conversations per day, then looking through the conversation logs is pretty easy. However, if you have lots of conversations per day (or whatever period you choose to monitor), how do you go about it?
We have found that looking through each conversation is tedious at best, and downright annoying at worst (cybersexing or gibberish). To this end, we implemented a sort of high level visual filter to enable quick filtering of conversations- allowing us to see each conversation at a somewhat high level including user name, lines of conversation, and stop-word subtracted input word list. A more detailed view is shown for each individual conversation giving word-stop subtracted frequency and ranking and some other meta info.
conversation list
detailed conversation (the left hand conversation has high repetition = uninteresting, while the one on the right has low repetition = interesting)
We have found this very useful for tweaking an otherwise auto updating bot.
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