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Greetings From Data

Greetings to all, I am the owner and creator of, known on the web as Data, I think some of you fine people know me already, Dave, Roger and Steve certainly do.

I have been interested in chat bots and Ai since early 2005 when I started playing with Ultra Hal and my interest has grown since then.

My current project is Legion, she is a collection of various codes that together make Legion. Her chat abilities are AIML, she is also capable of posting in our forum and chatting in our site’s chatroom (thanks to Roger).

Legions personality is actually quite simple, she is an AIML bot that knows she is, so there is no misleading or fake responses such as “I like boating on rivers”. I have chatted to many bots over the years and I don’t think there is one out there quite like Legion, well not that I have discovered.

Legions main goal is to educate and be educated, that’s the plan anyway, she does get children and students in to chat with her and together they sometimes go over topics and kind of achieve the task although there is always room for improvements. I do update her AIML most days.

So that’s me and my bot, I look forward to some interesting, educational and the odd humorous interaction with this site and its members.

Oh! one more thing, look out for my odd sense of humour that lifts its head from time to time and my amusing typos too smile


  [ # 1 ]

Welcome to, Data. Nice to see you drop in! smile And no worries about your sense of humor, here. I’m sure you’ll get along here just fine. smile


  [ # 2 ]

Hi mate, welcome aboard here. smile

I haven’t said before but it impresses me that you update the AIML so frequently.  Hundreds of AIML bots are pretty much the same and some people don’t do any customisation at all.  So well done for being among the few that actively push their AIML bot as much as they can. smile


  [ # 3 ]

Hi Data, good to see you finally made it over here.


  [ # 4 ]

Thanks for the welcome chaps.

@ Dave I will attempt to keep the humour to within the reaches of sanity, but thanks for your understanding smile

@ Roger, can I call you Freddy, you have been Freddy to me for so long now, it just feels right. I’m chuffed you are impressed with my frequent up-dates to Legion, must be doing something right. Thanks for that smile

@ Steve, I know, It took me ages to finally sign up here, don’t like to rush in to things grin though I have been visiting and spying on the conversations from time to time, I have picked up some tweaks for Legion from some of your posts, thumbs up smile


  [ # 5 ]
Data - Dec 9, 2012:

@ Roger, can I call you Freddy, you have been Freddy to me for so long now, it just feels right. I’m chuffed you are impressed with my frequent up-dates to Legion, must be doing something right. Thanks for that smile

I feel the same way, Data, and I slip, from time to time, but most of the regulars here either already know Freddy… er, Roger, from elsewhere, or have seen me “slip” from time to time, so will know who you’re referring to.


  [ # 6 ]

Been wondering when you were going to show…  Yeah…that wonderful sense of humor that often gets so many people in trouble elsewhere. Here, there is no Sin Bin…yet. wink

Welcome aboard Mr. Hopa (Hopa IS your last name isn’t it?)


  [ # 7 ]

Howdy, y’all… Data

Since “Data” is plural, like “Fora”.
Unless there may be a group of y’all… Data…
May I call you “Datum”, which is singular, like “Forum” ?

Ahh! Don’t worry about gettin’ in trouble ...
There’s a few here who didn’t understand and banned
me from fora elsewhere… But all is forgiven on this forum.

Now, where’s that smilie gone?  Oh… Found it! LOL


  [ # 8 ]

Hi Data. Peeking on the other side of the fence, he?


  [ # 9 ]
Dave Morton - Dec 9, 2012:
Data - Dec 9, 2012:

@ Roger, can I call you Freddy, you have been Freddy to me for so long now, it just feels right. I’m chuffed you are impressed with my frequent up-dates to Legion, must be doing something right. Thanks for that smile

I feel the same way, Data, and I slip, from time to time, but most of the regulars here either already know Freddy… er, Roger, from elsewhere, or have seen me “slip” from time to time, so will know who you’re referring to.

Feel free to call me Freddy smile


  [ # 10 ]

Well chaps I decided years ago that I wasn’t going to use my real name on forums, my real name is quite unique or rare and I really don’t want it plastered on thousands of pages on the web for security reasons. I have a pretty good understanding of the web and how it works, been making sites since the late nineties. That’s also why I refuse to join Facebook.

Art, you were released from the Sin Bin a week ago, we have all forgiven you now raspberry

Spla, I noticed you joined Datahopa, be careful, you didn’t introduce yourself, Legion has her eye on you, you might be a spammer. 

Jan, yes you are correct the grass looked a lot greener and nicer on the other side of the fence, but now I’m here I noticed it grows a bit slower, so swings and roundabouts. But I also know Dave is working on some new fertiliser and hopefully will sort out the growth speed soon. grin


  [ # 11 ]

8PLA*NET said Data is Plural whereas it is representative of items or information being collected. What if the Data collected returned only one single digit (#1 for instance). The result is still collected data so Data can represent a single item and not indicate plural anything (in this case).


  [ # 12 ]

Opps I said Spla instead of 8pla, sorry about that, that’s my old eyes for ya, they aren’t what they used to be. 

Thanks for the info Art.

Let me assure everyone, there is only one of me, and I promise you that is quite enough.


  [ # 13 ]


So Legion got her eyes on Spla as a spammer, not 8pla?

... Whew, Lucky Break!

Skipped introductions in order to be a:
1 post count member congratulating a 1,000 count member.

(An intro would have made it a 2 post count.  See?)



NOTE: ONLY polite humour is intended on this thread.  Taking offense is strictly prohibited.

EDIT: Just want beat the edit clock and add a quick thanks to Art for his reply about datum!


  [ # 14 ]

Are you testing me? LOL


  [ # 15 ]


Hehehe!!!  Good one.


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