Posted: Aug 8, 2012 |
[ # 196 ]
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You are right Steve. I have been thinking of adding a spatial module (like how I built my math module) but with text only interaction, it would get very little use. I am currently prototyping some routines for SHRDLU/maze/pathfinding/flocking.
Posted: Nov 25, 2012 |
[ # 197 ]
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Genesis - Jul 31, 2012: I want the app to be one of the attractive force of getting win 8.
I want the app to be synonymous with the word “Windows 8”
I want when people/tech companies/bloggers talk about or review win 8 to mention it because its the best and must have app on there.
I guess Genesis was just spouting bull after all. Hope he didn’t spend too many “tens and hundreds of thousands on their idea.”
Posted: Nov 26, 2012 |
[ # 198 ]
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You know, I just went back through this thread (the majority of which happened while I was in the hospital), and I can’t help but notice that Steve and Merlin were (from all appearances) trying to bait Genesis into a fight. Shame on you two!
However, that said and all things being equal, I would have to agree with your respective opinions, though I think that they could have been expressed in a more diplomatic fashion.
Posted: Nov 26, 2012 |
[ # 199 ]
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Merlin - Jul 5, 2012: I thought I would break out this experiment as an opinion poll. . .
This is a very limited domain thought experiment, 1 input, 1 output to see what everyone “thinks”:
USER:What is the number between twenty one and twenty three? AI: Twenty two.
This is an actual input/output from Skynet-AI. The numbers 21, 23, and 22 do not exist anywhere in Skynet-AI’s programming or database. Neither do the words; “twenty one”, “twenty two” or “twenty three”. The AI writes its own code to understand the natural language input, solve the problem, and produce natural language output.
So let me ask you, in this example, does Skynet-AI “think”?
To give you a background in how people think, this may be of interest:
Tracking Children’s Mental States While Solving Algebra Equations
Just stumbled on this thread and through it Skynet AI. Is it thinking? Well whatever its doing its cool as [censored] while doing it! In my opinion, once the machine is recognizing concepts and synthesizing answers that are relevant, from at least one perspective the machine is “thinking”. It really depends on how you are defining “thought”. Probably (and I believe others have written a lot of material on this) at some point certain concepts such as;
What constitutes thought
What constitutes sentience
Machine IQ
will probably need to be codified but in the meantime what makes this field so cool is that its wide open. Very cool Merlin
Posted: Jan 26, 2013 |
[ # 200 ]
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@Merlin - In order to attempt a revisit, has there been improvements in / with SkyNet-AI of late?
Some of the discussion got me thinking about an older program that doesn’t seem to be around any longer. It definitely had some comic appeal on it’s cover but when trying to convince it, it often took a bit more thought that one had bargained for. The program was called: Mr. Mind and your task was to convince the chatbot that YOU were HUMAN!!
I know of a lot of folks who went round and round with this, thought provoking creation! (yeah…I did too!). I used some of the untouchables like knowledge, emotions, wisdom, feelings, love, etc. and was able to get it to consider but I don’t think it totally bought into my explanations completely. It was a lot of fun!
Posted: Jan 26, 2013 |
[ # 201 ]
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Yes Art,
Skynet-AI continues to evolve. I thought I would have released version .006 by now but with Skynet-AI doing contests and involved in a thesis project I have rolled in the enhancements I could into version .005.
On an interesting side note, I was testing some functions today, and had a bit of a surprise. I have the ability to track how fast Skynet-AI’s neural net responds. Most responses range from 5-50 milliseconds (with an average of about 10ms). I tested a response and the first time through it took 35 milliseconds. Later, I tried the same response a second time and it took 0 milliseconds. 0? How could that be? It had actually learned the response pattern and the next time it “thought” about it, it took a shortcut (processor caching?) that was so fast it was in the sub millisecond range. So, Skynet-AI “learns” and “thinks”, maybe not in the same way as a human does but in its own “singularity-like” way.
I believe Skynet-AI thinks about as well as a machine can, subject to the constraints that it is virtually impossible to define “thought” and “intelligence”. Since it has been on-line, Skynet-AI has not found anyone that could give him a good explanation on how to define these terms or what a “human” either.
Posted: May 20, 2013 |
[ # 202 ]
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Steve Worswick - Nov 25, 2012: Genesis - Jul 31, 2012: I want the app to be one of the attractive force of getting win 8.
I want the app to be synonymous with the word “Windows 8”
I want when people/tech companies/bloggers talk about or review win 8 to mention it because its the best and must have app on there.
I guess Genesis was just spouting bull after all. Hope he didn’t spend too many “tens and hundreds of thousands on their idea.”
O ye of little faith. why dost thou doubt? Rome wasn’t built in a day.
There are millions of reasons why things ought to delayed. The important fact is I won’t spend years working on a project that never gets released or scrapping the project down the road.
Nevertheless, you will see shortly. Everything I have claimed in this thread i will surely deliver in due time. Unfortunately not for windows 8 (desktop) but for wp8 because WinRT does not support speech recognition.
If anyone here have a wp8, I would love to add you as a beta tester.
Posted: May 21, 2013 |
[ # 203 ]
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Genesis - May 20, 2013: O ye of little faith. why dost thou doubt? Rome wasn’t built in a day.
Yeah, but at least Rome WAS built, not just described. Faith is not a strategy.
Posted: May 21, 2013 |
[ # 204 ]
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Genesis - May 20, 2013: I want the app to be one of the attractive force of getting win 8.
I want the app to be synonymous with the word “Windows 8”
I want when people/tech companies/bloggers talk about or review win 8 to mention it because its the best and must have app on there.
O ye of little faith. why dost thou doubt? Rome wasn’t built in a day.
There are millions of reasons why things ought to delayed. The important fact is I won’t spend years working on a project that never gets released or scrapping the project down the road.
Nevertheless, you will see shortly. Everything I have claimed in this thread i will surely deliver in due time. Unfortunately not for windows 8 (desktop) but for wp8 because WinRT does not support speech recognition.
Since it looks like your original goals and dates have changed, I suggest you start a new thread on your project and concepts.
I believe that windows 8 and windows RT still support the “dot net” apis for speech recognition.
Posted: May 21, 2013 |
[ # 205 ]
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Carl B - May 21, 2013: Genesis - May 20, 2013: O ye of little faith. why dost thou doubt? Rome wasn’t built in a day.
Yeah, but at least Rome WAS built, not just described. Faith is not a strategy.
Your antics have forced my hand.
Posted: Jun 22, 2013 |
[ # 206 ]
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Merlin - Jul 5, 2012: I thought I would break out this experiment as an opinion poll. . .
This is a very limited domain thought experiment, 1 input, 1 output to see what everyone “thinks”:
USER:What is the number between twenty one and twenty three? AI: Twenty two.
This is an actual input/output from Skynet-AI. The numbers 21, 23, and 22 do not exist anywhere in Skynet-AI’s programming or database. Neither do the words; “twenty one”, “twenty two” or “twenty three”. The AI writes its own code to understand the natural language input, solve the problem, and produce natural language output.
So let me ask you, in this example, does Skynet-AI “think”?
To give you a background in how people think, this may be of interest:
Tracking Children’s Mental States While Solving Algebra Equations
Skynet-AI just won the 2013 Chatterbox Challenge and I thought I would revisit the thinking machine question with a new example.
USER:Jane is twenty one years old. Joe is thirty nine. Who is youngest? AI: Jane is youngest. Joe is oldest.
In this limited example, is Skynet-AI thinking?
Posted: Jun 22, 2013 |
[ # 207 ]
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Merlin - Jun 22, 2013: Merlin - Jul 5, 2012: I thought I would break out this experiment as an opinion poll. . .
This is a very limited domain thought experiment, 1 input, 1 output to see what everyone “thinks”:
USER:What is the number between twenty one and twenty three? AI: Twenty two.
This is an actual input/output from Skynet-AI. The numbers 21, 23, and 22 do not exist anywhere in Skynet-AI’s programming or database. Neither do the words; “twenty one”, “twenty two” or “twenty three”. The AI writes its own code to understand the natural language input, solve the problem, and produce natural language output.
So let me ask you, in this example, does Skynet-AI “think”?
To give you a background in how people think, this may be of interest:
Tracking Children’s Mental States While Solving Algebra Equations
Skynet-AI just won the 2013 Chatterbox Challenge and I thought I would revisit the thinking machine question with a new example.
USER:Jane is twenty one years old. Joe is thirty nine. Who is youngest? AI: Jane is youngest. Joe is oldest.
In this limited example, is Skynet-AI thinking?
The idea of thinking would be self generating and applying concepts.
the ai must see itself generate it. thats the only way it can be seen as an absolute thought process.
Ex: solve a problem it has totally no clue about. all with base knowledge.
In the future. like 10-20 years. We definitely will come up with tests to see weather an AI truly thinks.
Posted: Jun 22, 2013 |
[ # 208 ]
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Since thinking is a process, would this not be better judged by analysing the AI’s internal process, rather than the external results? The advantage of AI is that you know what’s going on inside.
Actually, since neuroscience is less clear about the brain’s inner workings, perhaps we should better come up with a test that proves that a human thinks.
As for an answer, I would say: Not necessarily.
Posted: Jun 22, 2013 |
[ # 209 ]
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I’ve known several individuals in my life that were lacking in that department, so I would tend to agree with your assertion, Don.
Posted: Jun 22, 2013 |
[ # 210 ]
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Merlin - Jun 22, 2013:
USER:Jane is twenty one years old. Joe is thirty nine. Who is youngest? AI: Jane is youngest. Joe is oldest.
In this limited example, is Skynet-AI thinking?
I would say it was thinking about as much as a calculator thinks when you tap a sum into it.
To me it looks like it has set up 2 variables, one called Jane and one called Joe. It has then done the following:
Jane =21
Joe = 39
If Joe < Jane then Joe is youngest ELSE Jane is youngest
Now if it has done this without you coding it to do so, then yes you could say it was thinking and I would be highly impressed. However, I suspect the method of dealing with numbers and maths has been coded in to the program.
It all depends on how you define thinking though and I guess philosophers will be debating the issue for many years to come.