> http://www.meta-guide.com/home/ai-engine/home-automation
I’ve got a Meta Guide webpage full of resources for “Dialog Systems in Smart Home Automation & Domotics (Domestic Robotics)”, above.
> http://www.chatbots.org/ai_zone/viewthread/1001/
One of the issues with AIML and Pandorabots is the absence of a good “middleware” for integrating APIs; I’m currently looking into iPaaS, or integration PaaS.
> http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/projects/homeos/
You might have a look at the new Microsoft HomeOS, Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio, and Kinect for Windows, which has speech capabilities.
> http://ifttt.com/channels
IFTTT is an interesting new service with an increasing number of easy integrations for realworld devices, such as WeMo, as well as with mobile such as Pushover, facilitating the promised Internet of Things.
> http://twitter.com/mendicot/status/228171192052379648
There are other new services similar to IFTTT specifically for mobile, such as Triggers http://whatgoesin.com & on{X} http://onx.ms (from Microsoft Israel, and so may play well with HomeOS).