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Translation for multi-language robot


I’m working on a humanoid robot that can see, ear, talk, move…

I’m making some test with ChatScript, our goal is to talk with the robot.
I’d like to make some test in another langage (french), so i suppose i have to edit dictionary.

I don’t understand some dictionary syntax, may be you can redirect me to the good documentation/link ?

For example:


1) What does mean “meanings=1” ?
2) I can see “PRONOUN_SUBJECT” in documentation (ChatScript_User_Manual.pdf) but not “PRONOUN”
3) what does mean GRADE1_2 ?
4) what does mean “I~1” ? Sometime we have something like “NUMBER_IDn~n”

best regards,



  [ # 1 ]

  04194289n~n a vessel that carries passengers or freight
  01496978v~v place on board a ship
  01847582v~v travel by ship
  01950798v~v transport commercially
  01979462v~v go on board
  02409838v~v hire for work on a ship

Dictionary example:  meanings=6 says how many different wordnet-style meanings there are. After the entry are the listed meanings.  You can use meanings=0 and have none.  Words have both their main parts of speech (NOUN, VERB, PRONOUN, ADJECTIVE,ADVERB) and also specific related data NOUN_SINGULAR VERB_PRESENT VERB_INFINITIVE. Words can have the age group in which they are learned (not needed). They can have the statistical default type for pos-tagging (not needed).
Bascially, your minumum dictionary entry for a foreign word is merely this   ship ( meanings=0) , but usually part of speech data would be added as well.


  [ # 2 ]

great, thank you very much for your answer


  [ # 3 ]


Hi, David, and welcome to! I hope you find your visits here to be both useful and enjoyable.


posdefault:VERB? Really? When I see/hear the word “Ship” (with no context, of course), the image that forms in my mind is that of a mighty sailing vessel, plying the waves in a vast, storm-tossed sea; not that of a sailor in a far-off port, hefting his sea-bag over his shoulder and walking up a gangplank, preparing to depart for locations unknown.

Of course, that may just be me, but I always considered the “default” part of speech for the word “ship” to be that of NOUN. Go figure. smile


  [ # 4 ]

1st posdefault listed is noun. 2nd posdefault listed is verb. This means nothing about priority. Only that both are sufficiently likely to be considered. One has to be 5x the other in frequency from some database in order to discard the minor one. ANC (American National Corpus) frequency was ship NN 398
ship NNP 27
ship VB 83
ship VBP 10

The capitalized words in a dictionary definition are drawn from values of the properties and systemflags field, listed in dictionary.h

I~1 is a self-referential meaning. As a pronoun, it has no wordnet meaning. So a pronoun meaning will refer to itself (meaning 1 of the word I) instead of a synset head from wordnet. There are actually other meanings of I that wordnet has as nouns, but they cause more trouble than they are worth, so I suppressed them in the dictionary.

If I were trying to intermix languages, I would add stuff from the french wordnet system, with meaning values matching the english synset ids. That way if one said “voiture” it would connect to vehicle and trigger automotive topic, etc.

The wordnet meaning values allow the system to use ontology knowledge to route to topics, infer information, etc.


  [ # 5 ]

Oops? These old eyes missed the first posdefault. Silly me. smile Gave me a chance to wax poetic, though, and that’s sometimes a good thing.


  [ # 6 ]


I had a little “multi-language” related conversation in
problems with ChatScript-tutorial
beginning at Dec. 8, 2011.




  [ # 7 ]

Andreas, I edited your post to provide a direct link to your thread. I hope you don’t mind. smile


  [ # 8 ]

Hi Dave, a very good idea:)


  [ # 9 ]

how can I access dictionary meanings? e.g. in dictionary:

So rule in topic
u: (have in mind) some_answer
doesn’t work.

Thanks for any advice.


  [ # 10 ]

currently not possible. Will add to my list of things to amend in CS.


  [ # 11 ]

By the way, how would you actually try to use accessing the word at a meaning index? What would you want to do with it?


  [ # 12 ]

Actually, I don’t need a meaning index directly, my question is why rule
u: (have in mind) some_answer
can not catch the input.



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