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NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Talking head & Embodied Conversational Interface Agent

On the Embodied Conversational Interface Agent page I liked the virtual doctor approach. The interesting thing is that we described virtual patients earlier on our virtual human page. Conversational entities are thus being developed for both patients and doctors, including voice, body movements & gestures! Wouldn’t it be interesting to see how it works when we bring them together?

Although we’ve spend a lot of time on the new pages and updating older pages, the chatterbot page is reduced in size. This is because we’ve noticed that the term is hardly used anymore. Especially people who are new to AI uses ‘chatterbot’ sometimes, but in most case, like here on the forum, everyone uses chat bot, chatbot or one of the other 127 (!!) synonyms!

These are our pages so far:

3D Human
Artificial Conversational Entity
Embodied Agent
Embodied Conversational Agent
Virtual People
Conversational Avatar
Virtual Person
Conversational Interface
Talking Head
Embodied Conversational Interface Agent
Virtual Agent
Virtual Assistant
Conversational Agent
Virtual Human
Brand Agent

We only have to publish the page for avatar, which will be verrrrrry interesting and very lengthy because of the rich history of the term and its wide usage, intelligent user interface and chatbot (quite similar to chat bot). And then we’ll publish our full list!


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