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virtual human: oh my gosh, this is good stuff!

We’ve entered our next page in our synonym project:

virtual human

Actually, this is the best synonym the industry and academics should agree on. This is actually what we’re trying to create. We’re trying to create an entity that is as natural as possible. Natural look. Natural language. Natural emotions. As natural is defined by humans as ‘being as human as possible’.

Here are some highlights from the page:
Virtual human interview

Virtual Human, as presented on this video, constitutes behavior generation and character animation system for conversational simulations and training systems. Given a list of communicative functions (illustration, emphasis, turn-taking, etc.), and/or behavioral requests (gaze, gesture, speech, etc.), Virtual Human is capable of generating a cohesive animated performance while speaking with humans.

Virtual reality environment with mixed components. So a physical square room with views projected on the walls and a real door. When you open this real door in this VR environment,you will find a soldier behind the door shooting you, and your experience continues.

Hard to explain, it’s all here:

previous synonym pages:
conversational interface
virtual assistant
virtual person
conversational avatar
3d human
embodied agent
virtual people
embodied conversational agent


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talking head
intelligent user interface
conversational agent
brand agent
embodied conversational interface agent

3 more pages to go before we publish our full list!


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