I do not think that ^incontext is working.
Unless I can figure this out, I have to find a work around for this, as I have about 2k lines of code that use it.
Maybe there is a limit to this, as every line of my code has a label.
here is a test:
TOPIC: ~testcontext priority (timeqq newsqq businessqq)
u: ( ^incontext( JOKED ) %length<2 awful ) sorry to disappoint
u: ( ^incontext( JOKED ) timeqq ) hit timeqq incontext
u: FAILJOKE1 ( ^incontext( JOKED ) ) ^fail(TOPIC)
# u: FAILJOKE2 () ^fail(TOPIC)
u: JOKED( timeqq ) You reached the time line.
u: JOKED( newsqq ) You reached the news line.
u: JOKED( businessqq ) You reached the business line.
cont555: > timeqq
Harry: Response: 8. You reached the time line..
cont555: > businessqq
Harry: Response: 9. You reached the business line..
cont555: > newsqq
Harry: Response: 10. You reached the news line..
cont555: > awful
Harry: Response: 11. Please continue..
expected results:
cont555: > timeqq
Harry: Response: 8. You reached the time line..
cont555: > businessqq
Harry: Response: 9. something else
cont555: > newsqq
Harry: Response: 10. hit timeqq incontext
cont555: > awful
Harry: Response: 11. sorry to disappoint
not sure why it is not working for me…..
i tried a bunch of combinations, including ^keep () ^repeat()
u: FAILJOKE1 ( ^incontext( JOKED ) ) ^keep () ^repeat() ^fail(TOPIC)