I want to use the Chatbot created in our project using the “BETTER”-GUI provided on github.
However, I’ve run into a few problems:
1. When localhosting a server (using wampserver for instance) and running localhostpg.exe we don’t get a topicfile like we’d get using chatscriptpg.exe
2. This is a bigger one: I’d like to reset the chatbot on client-side. That means that all variables need to be deleted ONCE the user exits (pressing the X button on a browser for example)
2a. Is :reset( USER ) the right command for this? So if the bot were to ever be run simultaneously by two people, each client pretty much deals with the same set of variables but they all have different values
2b. Now let’s assume something like :reset( USER ) is what I am looking for. Each time a client would use the bot and just close it once theyve got the answer they want, I would need to run :reset( USER ). Is there any way to hard code this into php (or chatscript, maybe) so that if the GUI is closed (pressing “X”) the conversation and all variables would be reset.
These are the problems I have run into for now.
Has anyone had these problems before or is there a solution I’ve missed completely?