Let me explain the reason a little bit. I am working in a Chinese bot and defined lots of concepts, which contains many more-than-five-words-long sequence.
As you might know, Chinese words are not naturally segmented. There are many tools try to segment Chinese words as precisely as possible for NLP purpose. I have been tried those tools with CS, and decided to abandon the approach, as I need 100% precise (or as I want which is of course impossible).
What I am doing is working on Character basis for Chinese. So it’s very easy to get to the 5-words limit, as many Chinese word (or phrase) contains 6-8 Character.
So is it possible to lift the max? I know it might affect performance. Or as an option that I can set when I build CS, that would be good enough for we to work on. So that we can define every phrase in CS, and CS can match whatever we intend.