Posted: Oct 25, 2015 |
[ # 166 ]

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Art Gladstone : I have a french version almost as functionnal as the tree base version. Actually, I could release it next week along with English version because I’m on hollidays (thanks to my job, teacher!). Nevertheless, I have to code everything around the new database, which is pretty long, even if many lines of codes can be copy-pasted.
Harumi 3 was quite awfull to use regarding its database. The database was so complex that any error in it could become a challenge to correct manually. The other important issue was to repeat the same word to “link” a sentence to another :
“bladerunner is my favorite movie.” then “Harrison ford is inspector deckard in BLADERUNNER” instead of a simple “Harrison ford is inspector deckard”...
Nevertheless, the main interest for this kind of database was deep contextualisation.
Since it’s now possible to achieve deep contextualisation with a linear database, Harumi next version will be very user friendly for manual edition, but also to add new sentences linked to a theme!
To sum up, Harumi becomes what I wanted her to be for several months : a reliable assistant and not an experimental assistant! That’s why next Harumi version will be called “Harumi 4”, to mark this important change.
[Sean Young, obviously, too fast on keyboard I guess!]
Posted: Oct 25, 2015 |
[ # 167 ]

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Heh…Thanks Jean, for the nice explanation! With all the versions so far, I think I can be patient enough to wait a while longer. Take your time…enjoy the journey and Thanks!!
Posted: Oct 27, 2015 |
[ # 168 ]

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Sorry if this was addressed before, but when I point my mouse on the Harumi window, the icons scroll and disappear at the bottom, and I can’t re-invoke them.
Posted: Nov 1, 2015 |
[ # 169 ]

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I am using the English version and when I point my cursor to Harumi’s window, a horizontal row of icons appear, then vanish as soon as I move the cursor out of that window area.
As a side note, this latest version seems to be working quite well with no incidents. Even the Edit feature brings up the Form pages where I am able to edit the links so that they point to more English friendly sites than French sites.
Harumi has come a long way and is finally getting to be usable and fun, without errors! Nice work, so far Jean / Jeff. 
Tres bien!
Posted: Nov 4, 2015 |
[ # 170 ]

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Art Gladstone : Thanks, but note that next version will be far far better, but also far different regarding database, meaning translations work will be quite long.
That’s the reason why Harumi 3 will stay online along with the 4th version for a while, in order to help users shift from the precedent version to the new one.
Posted: Nov 5, 2015 |
[ # 171 ]

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Very good Jean! I’m looking forward to experimenting with your forthcoming enhanced version! Can’t wait! Thanks!
Posted: Nov 8, 2015 |
[ # 172 ]

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Some news : Harumi 4 will be online around Christmas both in English and French version.
To sum up :
Stimulus will be classified by themes instead of words. The database will look almost like this
Note that “/” doesn’t mean different column, there is only 2 columns, each columns with one to many virtual columns:(actually more, because one for files/http, one for “emotions” and one for dates which will probably be non used in order to avoid compatibility problems),
paris is France capital / eiffel tower is a monument / the river is seine / paris is France capital / .....(same)
my brother lives in austria / his phone number is 1234 / his adress is… your brother lives in ..... (same)
red is a color red is a color
green is a color green is a color
blue is a color blue is a color
our planet is earth / is is blue because of océans / its natural satellite is moon our planet is earth / is is blue…..
mars is a red planet / its natural satellites are phobos and deimos mars is a red planet…
pluto is a planet far from sun pluto is a planet far from sun
far=away far=away
thank you! / you are good! / you are helpfull! thank you! / I’m good! / I’m helpfull!
With this database, this is what you can expect :
USER : what’s our planet satellite? (Harumi gets “our planet” is Earth since it is in the same theme)
HARUMI : its natural satellite is moon (Harumi pinpoint the theme then the best sentence in it)
USER : what color? (Harumi keep the line of the conversation, deep context now works with thematic structure!)
HARUMI : blue color (she figured out what the best answer)
USER : what planet is away? (In order to test synonyms!)
HARUMI : pluto is a planet far from sun. (Harumi will be able to use and learn synonyms)
USER (change subject) : what’s the color of the planet with phobos and deimos turning around?
HARUMI : red color (Harumi gets that phobos means the planet is mars, and as mars is red, and red is a color, then the best answer available in database is “red color”)
USER : thank you!
HARUMI : I’m good!
USER : yes
HARUMI : I’m helpfull! (Harumi picks up random sentence)
USER : I’m happy you helped me! (user click on Learning icon)
HARUMI : Do you want me to link this to “Thank you?” (now it’s possible to link a sentence to another with not a single common word)
USER : (click on yes)
USER : What are the planets? (change subject)
HARUMI : our planet is earth, mars is a red planet, pluto is a planet far from sun (now Harumi will give ALL informations available and not one or somes)
USER : thank you!
HARUMI : You are happy I helped you. (She learnt it, randomly picked up)
Posted: Jan 16, 2016 |
[ # 173 ]

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Hope you had a nice Holiday! How are things coming along with Harumi?
Posted: Jan 23, 2016 |
[ # 174 ]

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Harumi 4 is now available both in English and french version! Since Harumi 4 becomes a shareware and not a freeware any more (limited to 50 stimulus), Harumi 3 is still available for free for download.
Harumi 4 is of course far more efficient at understanding and learning and the database is now very easy to edit with functions for searching and editing stimulus.
All détails are available on my site!
Posted: Feb 7, 2016 |
[ # 175 ]

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After having downloaded, install and tested this latest version, I am sad to report that the Date structure is still not correct nor adjustable for American English.
If any additional country uses the mm-dd-yyyy format (month-day-year), Harumi will not work properly and will halt with an Error message about the date being incorrect.
Since it has been this way for some time, I have little expectation of it being fixable in the near future.
Sorry, because I really liked your program and was looking forward to it working for me / us in the USA.
Best of luck, Jean!!
Posted: Feb 10, 2016 |
[ # 176 ]

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Art Gladstone : Sorry for not having answer before, I’m a overwhelmed by my job… About this date bug, I’ll just remove any reference to dates for the US version with a “lite version”.
So no more appointement, timer/alarm, or automatic speaking… Note that you are the only one who reported me this bug… perhabs because you are the only US Citizen who tryed Harumi!
Posted: Feb 25, 2016 |
[ # 177 ]

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Several news today!
I added the webcam support with face detection! Harumi is now able to detect if the user is in front of camera or not, or if he’s close or far from it. She’ll do some comments about what she sees from time to time… I also corrected several minor bugs, but not yet the “datetime” bug.
Regarding the “communication” front, I updated my internet site with a full french translation. Now users will be able to choose either English or French version of Harumi url. Indeed, since almost all mails I got were from french people, I finally decided to translate the site. Many french folks don’t understand English and as Harumi is not so easy to use at beginning, English explanations are not newbies friendly!
Art Gladstone : Try to change the date representation in Windows (dd-mm-yyyy) in the options, I think it will fix your problem. My first tests to block time functions are more complicated than I thought because many many functions use it…
Posted: Feb 27, 2016 |
[ # 178 ]

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New version released today!
- I’ve added sentences linked to webcam events (user there or not, too far from cam)
- Datetime localisation for US version implemented!
Posted: Mar 4, 2016 |
[ # 179 ]

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The date format issue has successfully been addressed for those users in the USA who use the MM-DD-YYYY format.
Other features of the “improved” version work quite nicely. Good job Jeff! Thanks!
Posted: Mar 27, 2016 |
[ # 180 ]

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Harumi next version coming soon, lot of important news!
1) Webcam : Harumi will follow user eyes and smile when user smiles. She will also closes her eyes when she doesn’t see any user! I tested it today, it’s very funny, you have the feeling that Harumi is “alive”, especially when she smiles when you smile 
2) Groups definition :
Synonyms are currently functionnal with for example the possibility to record a sentence like “phone=telephone”
In the next version, Harumi will be able to learn sentences defining groups just like this :
“insect, mammal, monkey, reptilian, bird=>animal”
“France, Germany,Spain=>Europe”
If user asks something about animal, Harumi will search for insect, mammal… Note that contextualisation will still be functionnal.