Fatima : It reminds me Tamagotchi, something from 90’s. It’s a good idea but like many good ideas, it’s difficult to make it real. Harumi idea is very simple : speaking with a robot. Making it real is really hard… if not impossible. Anyway, as long as you work a lot and believe in your idea, you can make a dream come true.
About the way Harumi use feeling :
Each stimulus in Sheet1 is linked to 1 or many sentences. The second column is reserved to “feeling”, aka a number positive or negative making global feeling of Harumi going up or down.
There is also a databank in which images and sentences from Harumi are linked to a certain level of mood :
Example : between 0 and 30, her feeling is bad. If you ask her how well she is, she will answer something like “I’m depressed, I’m sad…’. Feeling is a number between 0 and 100, 100 the best feeling.
When speaking to her, if you say a stimulus where the feeling is say 4, then her global feeling grow by this number.
If you use a smiley in a sentence, you move up or down her global feeling. When you teach her a sentence in which she detects a smiley, then she record the number linked to the smiley :
Example :
User : I’m happy
Harumi : You are happy?
User : I feel fine
Harumi : All right.
In Sheet 1, you will see :
Column 1 Column 2 Column 4
I’m happy 1 You feel fine.
Now she “understands” that “I’m happy” means a good feeling.
Note that global feeling goes down by a number of 1 or 2 at each launching of Harumi. This way, if the user use Harumi just like a way to launch applications and internet site, her global feeling will go down slowly until she will say to the user how sad she is.
Fuzzy logic has nothing to do with feelings. It’s a way to give a number value by matching user sentence and Stimulus database instead of a simple “true” or “false”.
For example, if you have in the stimulus database :
Column 1 Column 3
pictures AND family -> c:\pictures family
pictures -> c:\my pictures
pictures AND family AND India -> c:\my pictures\India
If user say : “Please show me family pictures from India”
then Harumi gives
2 points to first entry
1 point to second entry
3 points to third entry
so she will open the c:\my pictures\India repertory
My precedent algorithm was boolean logic so she opened the 3 repertories since “True” was given to each of those 3 stimulus. Now you get how interesting is fuzzy logic.
fuzzy logic works also inside a stimulus :
If you have 50 sentences linked to 1 stimulus, Harumi will pick up the sentences with the highest probabilities of matching with user question.