Hey chatbot.org fam.!
I am new here and new to chatbot design and implementation.
I was surfing the net for this, when I stumbled on this great platform with great information.
I ‘m a bachelors degree student in computer sciences, ,i can to a certain level code in (HTML,CSS,JAVASCRIPT and PHP) with a little moderate level of python.
My project supervisor insist I solve a problem on machine learning, so I have an idea in mind which is which is to develop a conversational customer service bots for telecom industry in my country, to assist users in getting information like data plan,voice migration plans,codes, Internet configuration details e.t.c
This is to simplify getting valid and clear information without doing more of research ,using search engines or Google app and face difficulties in finding right information.
The bot is gonna be a desktop app,with a serious documentation and presentation, because the grading system are going be interested in model, method, algorithm, api, libraries used. and the bot has to read and learn from users input and reply with a response, which has to be a correct information to users specific request and also should allow a bit of conversation features.
FOR the purpose of clarity I need help to make choices through experience developers in this platform.
PLEASE guide and advice me theoretically on how to achieve this and get an A GRADE.
THANK YOU inadvance.m