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Separate top files vs. Separate Bot

I am in the process of developing a bot for university which includes the following main functionalities:
  A. Library
  B. Student registration
  C. Attendance
  D. Help Desk
  E. Enquiry

I have following doubts:
Should I have separate top files for each of the above functionality or creating separate bot for each of those will be better in terms of (maintenance, remembering context) ?




  [ # 1 ]

You should definitely have separate top files for each of the functionality.  However I’m guessing they can all be served by one bot.

Check out:

You’ll have to compile all of them together anyway, and I’m guessing passing the user between bots would be somewhat difficult.

However, if you want the ‘guide’ for each of those sections to have a unique personality that might be a reason to have separate bots.


  [ # 2 ]

Thanks Todd. This was useful.


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