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Announcing Bot Libre 5.0

We have released Bot Libre 5.0 this week.

Some of the new features in Bot Libre 5.0 since 4.0 include:
[ul][li]- Rich HTML responses including buttons, links, and choices[/li]
[li]- Facebook Messenger support[/li]
[li]- Facebook Messenger support for HTML responses including buttons, links, images, and other tags[/li]
[li]- Telegram support[/li]
[li]- SMS text messaging and Twilio support[/li]
[li]- XML and JSON web service support from scripting[/li]
[li]- HTML scraping and social media support from scripting[/li]
[li]- Vision and image processing support[/li]
[li]- Support for uploading files and images to the bot, and file processing[/li]
[li]- Automatic language translation[/li]
[li]- Slack support[/li]
[li]- Google Calendar support[/li]
[li]- New speech and avatar options[/li]
[li]- Mobile command and virtual assistant support[/li]


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