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Model-based Chatbot


I am reading the book “How we reason” by Philip Johnson-Laird, in which he argues that human reasoning is based on innate models of the respective domain (e.g. spatial, logical, emotional etc.) I find this psychological explanation highly fascination am I am wondering if a chatbot could be constructed in a similar fashion, e.g.:
1. Parse input
2. Generate Model
3. Run/Query Model
4. Generate output based on step 3.

Is this feasible in Chatscript?


  [ # 1 ]

in a limited way.  CS by itself is only good for symbolic models, not for actual numerical models that might, for example, include line of sight computation. But you could write external models to call.

Consider Thought Treasure (wikipedia)


  [ # 2 ]

Thank you! I checked out ThoughtTreasure - a treasure indeed! Definitely a potentially useful resource.


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