My main chatbot is for me just to talk to me or assist me i talk to it most of the time in gedit in the terminal or the Python console when i bought my new nooelc sdr radio i allways wanted i installed gnu radio and found the api and gui programs would crash so i just type in the comand line to make it work then it hit me i opend libreOfice and started adding the comands in a brain file so how in shell i can type 91.3 to the chat bot and i can listen to my favorite station and so on then i started to play with scrips that would have gnu radio scan for signals so to chatbot i can say scan whe it pics up a singnal it will say signal caught 151.035 nice then i had this great idea what if i can built words in a brain from talk radio so i started looking for a linux opensoure speach reconition this was about the time that i broke the radio by stepping on it and that put a end to the project for now something like this would be great for the seti project the radio builds brain files and many other use’s