I want to develop a chatbot that will specifically reply only on certain products with their description. Products are classified into some categories. Fro example, category_1 has product_1 ,...,product_15 and category_2 has product_16 ,...,product_35 and so on.
Now I just want the chatbot to correctly deliver the product description when user say the product name. If it has been asked what are all the products in a certain category, those products should be listed.
Upto my knowledge, either I can script the products in .top files [separated by categories as topics files] or I can store the details in table format using postgresql.
Problem with .top files is, whe user shits from one category[topic files] to another category of products , chatbot is not recognising this change in topic. how to effectively do that. That is, if the enquired product is not in the current category,it must automatically shift to another topic and start looking for the product there.
Then regarging postgresql, I couldn’t find the complete procedure of running chatscript with postgresql.
Actually I am a little bit confused which is the best way to choose.
Your reply will be most favourable.Thanks in advance