I am having problems with the following code:
outputmacro: ^testBurst ()
@10 = ^burst(^"a b c")
u: (burst)
Direct output: ^testBurst()\n
$$tmp = ^testBurst()
Assigned to variable: $$tmp\n
^nofail(RULE ^writefact($$tmp))
which generates the output:
Direct output: done
Assigned to variable: 216,994
( c ^burst ^burst 0x110 )
When the macro is used in output directly then I see what I expected. But when the results of the macro is assigned to a variable then instead of seeing the text output I unexpectedly get the fact id of the last fact in the bursted factset.
This only happens if the results of the ^burst are assigned to a factset. Assigning to a match variable or $ variable doesn’t impact the output from the macro. Whereas assigning to a factset ignores/destroys any output before or after the ^burst command. It also doesn’t matter if I nest outputmacros so that the actual ^burst is several layers deep.
This is obviously a simple test case and my real situation involves a bit more processing, but it is causing me immense grief as I cannot find a good workaround. Assigning to match variables would be tricky because some would be in use and the input could be of variable length so might hit a limit.