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Hosting a sample chatterbot in Amazon EC-2 Server

I followed the below tutorial to host a sample chatbot in EC-2 server
[ Amazon Server.pdf ].

I successfully made the server instance running but don’t know how to proceed with the content adding part in server i.e. , posting chatbot content in server.

They have used WinSCP &  putty with a brief explanation .

A detailed elaboration will be helpful



  [ # 1 ]

To start with, you want a local copy of your bot on your machine (not essential but convenient). You have your RAWDATA files you edit, you do :build of your bot, you prove it works, then you copy your TOPIC folder up to the server using winscp and force the server to restart (usually by killing the process if you have created a cron job to auto restart).
Detailing how to use WINSCP is beyond the scope of this.


  [ # 2 ]

Thanks for your reply Bruce


  [ # 3 ]

I hosted the chatscript server and php web page in amazon ec2 server ..

ChatScript server is not working .. please help me..

you can see the status @

I tried the ./LinuxChatScript32 command in putty but it says ‘no such file or directory found’

Any help will be appriciable


  [ # 4 ]

Did you update the IP address in the index.php first?

The documentation states:

Then I edited the ChatScript test webpage. You need to set the IP address in the file
WEBINTERFACE/SIMPLE/index.php to be the IP address of your instance. If your webpage is on the
same machine as your chatscript server, you should use “localhost” as the ip address, meaning the
current machine.

Did you perform this step earlier in the documentation?

Using WinSCP I created a top level folder named ChatScript and transferred a standard ChatScript
release up to the server, having first built my bot (so the TOPICS folder was ready).

Looking at my latest installation on a windows machine of chatscript 5.8 I see that I have LinuxChatscript64 in my main directory not LinuxChatscript32.  If you check your local PC before you copied it to the EC2 Server what version do you have in your main folder?

Did you try ./LinuxChatscript64?

I hope you get this working as I would also be interested in trying to set up a Chatscript Chatbot on AWS.


  [ # 5 ]

1.Since both the chatScript server and the web page are on the same EC2 server instance , I gave IP address as ‘localhost’.

2.Yes I have created a ChatScript folder and transferred the files

3.I haven’t tried linux..64 command but that wouldn’t make a much difference. for your information , the EC2 server is x86 based.


  [ # 6 ]

If you want to give me via my email address login credentials to your server, I could probably figure out what you are missing.


  [ # 7 ]

sorry..There is a complication in giving account credentials…
could you please say how to run the ‘ChatScript server command prompt running on ec2 server instance ‘?


  [ # 8 ]

Steps in validating your server is
1. log into your server and (assuming linux) from the CS directory type “./LinuxChatScript64 local”  and see if that works as a stand-alone client (not server)
2. If that works, do “./LinuxChatScript64” and it should say the server is ready.  If you bring up another terminal window in the CS directory, you should be able to do “./LinuxChatScript64 client=localhost:1024”  and it should be able to talk to your server. 

Do those 2 tests work?


  [ # 9 ]

I have posted the screen shot.

What does it mean by ‘permission denied’ here? Should I add any rile in the security group of the ec2 server instance?

Image Attachments

  [ # 10 ]

Copying from my release onto your linux box, you will need to change permissions on the file to have Linux know it is executable.  chmod +x LinuxChatScript64


  [ # 11 ]

yes .. Mr.Bruce.. Its working.. Thanks a lot for your instant replies..

It was a timely help..



  [ # 12 ]

I was able to run the php file when connected through putty and server is running.ChatScript server goes dead , though i executed “crontab LINUX/jobs.cron” command.


  [ # 13 ]

whether jobs.cron is correct or not depends on how the CS executable came to be built. You might have to edit the cron file.  doing “make server” using the make file creates an executable named ChatScript, which is what the cron file currently uses. I supply a file named LinuxChatScript64, so if you are using that you need to edit the cron file.


  [ # 14 ]

view the snap

Image Attachments

  [ # 15 ]

I don’t find any cron file.. there is only an empty cronserver.log file…

What to edit in cron file ? I don’t find anything related to cron in the document.

I don’t understand the “make server” command..

kindly provide a link to obtain full information..



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