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is it hard to make a chatbot using php?

Hello guys, is it possible to make a chat bot using php? is the codes hards?
please we need help to start our capstone, because we decided to make a chatbot using the php but we cant use the pandorabot, please.. help us. :(


  [ # 1 ]

Hi John,

If you’re looking for a starting point, my chatbot ‘Botster’ is open source: If you’re able to follow the installation instructions (may be very challenging for someone new to PHP) then you’ll have your very own chatbot up and running.

Modifying the chatbot would require you to know or learn HTML, SASS, PHP, MySQL, and more.

I can try help you if you get stuck on anything.


  [ # 2 ]

There are several examples of php chatbots. Catbot - is another one it is also on the source forge and there is program o a php chatbot written using aiml as well.


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