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NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

.Action Bot

I am posting this here even though I have no intention of taking it further. It just might spark something in others.
this was originally posted in the puppy linux forum before I had seen that chatscript was so much more than the simple pattern matching I had imagined.
Linux. .Action Bot, will be a chat bot who’s out put will be in a language called bash. (a shell script.) A language with few words and strong rules about how those word go together. And the power, when used I a terminal, to control the computer. The chatscript documentation gives this example of the script in use

s:  (I love you) Do you really?

This means that when the words I love you are in the input in that order then it prints to the screen Do you really? Changing this for the action bot.

S: ( [ fix change ] screen resolution ) xorgwizard enter.

This means that when the words fix screen resolution, or change screen resolution are the input, then the out put to be printed into a terminal window would be xorgwizard followed by enter. And this runs the program that sets screen resolution.

The out put could also be a short bash code program.

S: ( kill your self ) mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda enter.    ((((never use that code)))

So in this example the command kill your self will lead to it executing the troll code to reformat the hard drive.


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