This may be of interest to any Perl folks who may have tried to get ProgramV working and probably hadn’t had much luck in doing so.
I’ve updated ProgramV so that it can run now on modern versions of Perl. The last official release of ProgramV was version 0.08 in 2002, it was designed for Perl 5.6 and it wouldn’t run on any later version (not even the next version of Perl, 5.8). But now I’ve gotten it to run on Perl 5.18 and beyond!
My blog post on how I did it:
New source code on Github:
Releases (download ProgramV 0.09 here):
I’m not taking over maintainership of ProgramV—it’s still an abandoned project for all intents and purposes. It just runs now. Anyone can feel free to take over development of it now.