Marcus Endicott - Nov 26, 2014:
If an AIML interpreter works on the desktop for one person, would not a cloud based AIML interpreter that works for many simultaneously be a “server”? Dave, how is this handled in Program-O?
Well, Marcus, Program O, while being “cloud-based”, is really platform agnostic. Programmers of desktop apps can easily set up a web interface to interact with a Program O chatbot that’s remotely hosted. I know, because I whipped up similar experimental interfaces, not only for Program O and Pandorabots, but also for ChatScript, and I’m a very “entry level” Visual Basic programmer.
I think that the term “AIML server” is a bit of a misnomer, given the context of the original post, but until I get some clarification I’m not completely sure of that. I guess we’ll just have to wait for Tim to come back with a bit more insight into his needs.