I recently found a code that allowed me to print-screen other windows and patch the images to my A.I., so I used it as a cheat to get webcam video. In the following two weeks I programmed a self-calibrating video noise filter, a blur filter, motion detection, object detection, edge detection and colour-to-word translation, getting the gist of the methods from tutorials.
It was interesting to do, and the result is a very brief example of one possible use.
(which would have been more natural if voice recognition would allow my hands freedom. You’ll just have to imagine that)
The exercise made it very clear that a lot of the common knowledge humans are so proud of, are just sensory input like colours, shapes and sizes and putting a word label on it. So computer vision can definitely help expand a common knowledge database.
My vision system still has instabilities, is blind in the dark, gets distracted by shiny objects, and two weeks of work won’t equal Google’s neural net training. If I need something better I’d just install OpenCV like everybody else, but there is the question:
If your stationary chatbot had modest computer vision abilities, what would you use them for?