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Minimizing if statements

Is there any way to reduce the if statement by using something similar to the following code?

concept: ~food [~meat ~veggies]

: (My favorite food is _*) if ( _0 == ~meat { Meat-eater huh

Currently the equal statement only works if _0 = actual text ~meat. Otherwise, I have to create separate if clauses for each item of meat.


  [ # 1 ]

your pattern will never match (you should not capitalize My because the word you want is my - the fact that a sentence begins with a capital letter is immaterial. You want the lower case for matching.

s: (my favorite food is _*)  if (_0 ? ~meat) {Meat-eater huh?}


s: ( my favorite food is _~meat) Meat-eater huh?


  [ # 2 ]

Thanks. Dont know why I forgot that concepts can be used in patterns. I DO have a medically related memory issue though.

Could you please remind me what the ? operator does besides specifying a question input…


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