> http://pandorabots-general.shapado.com/questions/how-to-embed-my-bot-onto-my-wordpresa-site
How to embed my bot onto my Wordpresa site?
I recently picked up the above question on how to embed Pandorabots into WordPress, and got curious as I’m want to do….
> http://pandorabots.com/static/html/About/History.html
In the same manner that the Wordpress website allows people to freely publish blogs, the Pandorabots website allows people to freely develop and publish bots.
After a preliminary search, the only mention I could find on Pandorabots itself, was a comparison of the two platforms with one another…. I find this baffling, as it seems both a natural fit and a potentially popular application. So, why does there seem to be no plugin available yet for quickly and easily attaching Pandorabots to WordPress?
> http://wordpress.org/plugins/sitepal-talking-avatar/
There is a SitePal Talking Avatar plugin for WordPress, which should be compatible with Pandorabots; but, it hasn’t been updated in over 2 years….
> http://wordpress.org/plugins/tags/chatbot
> http://wordpress.org/plugins/tags/chat-bot
Checking for WordPress chatbots reveals only Elizaibeth’s own Program-O Elizaibot…. It seems to me that a more generalized plugin for attaching any Program-O chatbot to WordPress would have a broader appeal…. Since WordPress is PHP and MySQL based, it seems a perfect fit for Program-O.
There is also the now commercial Acobot for CRM, as well as the Hipmob CRM solution for mobile….
What are other examples of chatbots for WordPress, any new developments??