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If I use :build 0 to build the ontology, and then do :build Inga to use my personal bot instead of Harry (if I ever get her working wink ) are both builds then extant? In other words, does one build over-ride or supercede a previous build, or are they concurrent?

regards, Richard


  [ # 1 ]

I may have answered on the wrong thread…. 
The things that exist are level 0 and level 1. Ontology and world data is typically level 0.
Harry is level 1. If you build Irma on level 1, that replaces Harry but leaves level 0 alone.


  [ # 2 ]

In more developed bots, level 0 is a stable level and includes bot files and level 1 is a rapidly changing (faster build time) or downloadable zone (live revisions from a server to an app).


  [ # 3 ]

But I have to call them both to use them both, right?

eg: :build 0

and then after that executes,

:build 1

and both are now active?

regards, Richard


  [ # 4 ]

Generally speaking, you only have to do :build 0 if you’ve made changes to the ontology or world data. If no changes have been made you can skip that step.


  [ # 5 ]

true, but Richard has been in the context of having his own additional files as part of ontology build, so he needs to :build0 again with his custom files0.txt


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