Also along these lines, I’m trying to wrap my head around multiple users in the instance of a robot. Let’s say the robot is in a room with more than one person, and there’s a conversation going on. I THINK the answer is running CS as a server, but am looking for confirmation, and have posted it here as it is another example of the original post.
So Inga (the robot) is in a room with Richard, Bruce and Dave. Inga has facial recognition, maybe voice identification, definitely speech recognition and text to speech. So Bruce asks, “How are you?” Inga recognizes that the voice is Bruce, the “BruceUser” part of the server kicks in and CS responds appropriately to Bruce. Then Dave says to Inga, “What have you been up to lately?” and CS recognizes that the voice (or face) is Dave and checks the Dave logs before responding. So, we’re back to interacting with the system before responding, but also, CS “sees” three different conversations occurring, one with Bruce, one with Dave, one with Richard.
I’m wondering if there is a way, or should there be a way, for using ChatScript on a robot that treats all conversation as one conversation as opposed to separate conversations (like when using CS on the web to serve multiple users individually for example) with CS just “remembering what has been said to each person or not. Y’know, kind of like we silly humans do.
regards, Richard