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NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Turing Test Tournament

I’m trying to figure out what this is about:

It seems to be related to the “Meet Your Bot Hackathon”

Apparently Bruce Wilcox was involved.  Bruce, can you tell us anything about it?  What technology are the bots using?


  [ # 1 ]

It was a one-day “build a chatbot” hackathon using ChatScript. It got reduced in size from those who were originally registered for it, when the Wednesday before Facebook announced a facebook hackathon at Berkeley for the same day. There were 4 teams. Started at 10am with a talk by me overviewing things to think about when building a chatbot (said paper now shipped with CS documentation and available at  Then ran til 4, when judging was done.  Winners received a $50 amazon voucher.


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