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Aiml with HTML

I want to integrate my chatbot in my website. So how can I do it? Please help, My Final year Project is on chatbot and I want to make it as best as possible!! I want to know how can I use HTML and AIML together.. As in the input will be taken by the input tag and then I will use category tag to recognize the pattern which is a AIML tag. Is this possible?


  [ # 1 ]
Nimesh Bumb - Sep 14, 2013:

I want to integrate my chatbot in my website. So how can I do it? Please help, My Final year Project is on chatbot and I want to make it as best as possible!! I want to know how can I use HTML and AIML together.. As in the input will be taken by the input tag and then I will use category tag to recognize the pattern which is a AIML tag. Is this possible?


  [ # 2 ]

Hello and welcome, Nimesh. smile

Before anyone here can really answer your questions, we need some additional information, please. For example, which AIML platform (e.g. Pandorabots, Program D, Program O, etc.) are you using, and specifically and exactly what do you mean by “using AIML and HTML together”? Knowing these things will help us to help you.


  [ # 3 ]

I am using GaitoBot AIML Editor for AIML. I want to implement AIML in my website. I found a solution in which I can use an xml file like this below but I want to use HTML page. I don’t know more about how to implement.. Thanks for the reply.!! And everyone keep supporting me please. I want to explore a lot of stuff here.!! It’s the best place I could get.
The xml file example is:

<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“ISO-8859-1”?>
<aiml version=“1.0”>
WHAT IS YOUR NAME *</pattern>
<template>My name is Jarvis.
What is your name?</template>
WHO ARE YOU</pattern>
<template><srai>What is your name </star></srai></template>


  [ # 4 ]

I Think I need to search a lot for this.. Please provide me with some tutorials if possible. Thanks a lot..


  [ # 5 ]

Well, first off, Gaitobot is a great tool for creating AIML files, as well as testing them, but it can’t be used to power a web page. What you’re going to need is an AIML interpreter that’s designed to interface with a web browser. There are a number of chatbot platforms and hosting solutions that are suited to that purpose, but only two (Pandorabots and Program O) use AIML files for the chatbot’s responses (there are probably more, but these two are the most popular). Both Pandorabots ( and Program O ( have their advantages and disadvantages, but if I had to guess, I would say that Pandorabots would be easier for you to use. They even have a simple web interface that allows you to begin working with your chatbot right away, without having to worry about setting up a web host.

That should give you a nice starting point. If you have any questions, please ask. smile


  [ # 6 ]

The easiest way is to use Pandorabots. I believe you can upload your AIML, and it allows you to host a web page.


  [ # 7 ]

How to Link AIML with HTML page Input Text BOX in which the user types the query. Please let me know!! I want to work independently not under some pandorabots or program-O. Is it possible? And pandorabots isn’t taking the login!!!


  [ # 8 ]

Program O requires several things:

1.) a website where the chatbot will be hosted

2.) FTP access so that you can install Program O

3.) database level access to a MySQL server

4.) enough skills and abilities to install and maintain your chatbot

Once you have all that together, you need to install Program O, set some configuration options, customize your chatbot, and then upload the AIML that the chatbot will use. At this point congratulations are in order for being a new botmaster.

Program O isn’t for someone who hasn’t worked on the design side of websites, and there IS a learning curve. This is why I recommended Pandorabots over Program O, even though I’m the lead developer for Program O.

Unless you (or someone you know) are at least marginally familiar with web design, I strongly suggest that you work out the login issues with Pandorabots. It will be far easier in the long run.


  [ # 9 ]

By the way my chatbot is online by It had an option for uploading the AIML files which I had written. But now the question is will it give links to other website which the main goal of my website!! Dave Thanks a lot! For Program O proper explaination!! I got a clear view of what it is!!! Do check my amateur bot till now! I named it jarvis but it has a female image.!! raspberry Here is the Link: Do give me a review!! Thanks again!!!


  [ # 10 ]

Right now, I’m getting the following responses:

User: Hello.
Bot: Hello. How can I help you?
User: Who are you?
Bot: [[For this input now answer is stored in the knowledge of this GaitoBot.]]
User: How are you?
Bot: [[For this input now answer is stored in the knowledge of this GaitoBot.]]
User: What is your name?
Bot: My name is Jarvis. What is your name?
User: My name is Dave.
Bot: [[For this input now answer is stored in the knowledge of this GaitoBot.]]

(NOTE: These are not actual transcripts, as I found no way to generate them. They are, however, verbatim inputs/outputs, gathered via copy/paste)

I’d have to say that your chatbot needs some work, but it’s a start. smile


  [ # 11 ]

Pandorabots will host your bot for you free of charge.  It also permits you to upload a custom HTML page for your bot.  If I wanted my bot associated with an HTML web page, I’d just link the bot from that page - I wouldn’t place it directly on the page… if that’s what you’re talking about.

Click any of the icon faces at the bottom of this page.


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