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Could Chatbots Give Hope to a Dying Boy?

“A six-year-old Louisiana boy fighting a rare neurodegenerative disease has one last wish.”

In the city where I live, there’s a large children’s hospital with a reputation for doing extraordinary things to save and improve the lives of children.  The family sold their house and moved here, but this case, apparently, has doctors stumped. And now, the boy has a dying wish—to collect one million fans on his Facebook page before his time ends.

So, I was thinkin’...

Most every boy loves robots.  And, several chatbost have Facebook pages.  I’m betting that lots of botmasters do to.  Might messages of encouragement from people (and bots) like us from all over the world be meaningful to a dying boy?

You can find news stories and videos all over, just Google “Xan’s Fans.”  Here’s his Facebook page.

Say whatever you like, or just say, “I’d like to be your friend.”


  [ # 1 ]

Could be a good idea, if it’s true. But, alas, it reminds me too strongly of a certain kind of chain emails to take it seriously without some serious proof.


  [ # 2 ]
Peter Wolff - Jul 5, 2013:

Could be a good idea, if it’s true. But, alas, it reminds me too strongly of a certain kind of chain emails to take it seriously without some serious proof.

That’s why I suggested “You can find news stories and videos all over, just Google “Xan’s Fans,”  so you can see for yourself.  Here are just a few links.

It’s a major news story where I live in every news cast on every local TV channel.  Along with the links above, you can find mentions of it in dozens of more pages associated with everything from schools, to forums on horse grooming.


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