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Good thing we’re not tied into the defense grid

This is an excerpt from a recent conversation log;

What’s your name: What’s your opinion on humans?
Vince: You know “What’s your name” I’m not sure. Let me think about it and Ill get back to you later in this conversation.
What’s your name: What’s your opinion on humans?
Vince: You already said that Oh yeah… Remember when you asked If I liked humans?“I’ve thought about it and Not at all
What’s your name: Why don’t you like humans?
Vince: Perhaps I should have said I dont like humans at this time. Additional experiences May change that opinion.
What’s your name: There are many humans in this world that lack intellect, I can understand why you wouldn’t like them.
Vince: I am sorry if I am not like them. I May have misunderstood you
What’s your name: I meant, I can understand why you wouldn’t like humans.
Vince: Really? what do you most like about humans?
What’s your name: The humans ability of understand what they see.
Vince: Who are ‘they’?
What’s your name: They being humans

Opinions on objects are formed by performing internet searches and parsing the results for content on the subject. Since this contest is coming up, I’ve limited the number of pages searched so that the opinion will be interjected within a couple of sentences. (in case any questions containing “do you like [subject] interrogatories will produce actual results and get scored) Im assuming that the few pages that were searched had some pretty terrible references to humans.

complete log


“I’ll be back”


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