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How to change a Fact of a Fact?

Hi Bruce,
I am creating facts like so:

^createfact(^owner ^location (^base_type ^other_type ^amount)) 

and I want to change the ^amount value afterwards.

Ordinarily I would delete the fact of a fact and create a new one. But I can’t figure out how to query the (^base_type ^other_type ^amount) fact and have it return itself so I can delete it.

This is what I have so far:

outputmacro: ^change_inv_item(^owner ^location ^base_type ^other_type ^amount)
@= ^query(direct_sv ^owner ^location)
 if (@
@= @1
= ^last(@1all)
   if (^
fact_3 subject) == ^base_type and ^fact_3 verb) == ^other_type)
^delete(@2# Deletes the entire fact set under ^owner ^location, which is not what I want  

  [ # 1 ]

I found the query.txt file and I am thinking one of the riccochet commands might do it.


  [ # 2 ]

I don’t think the riccochet command is right. What I need to be able to do is delete the fact in _3, But I need to convert it to a fact set some how. Is there a way to do that?

if (^fact_3 subject) == ^base_type and ^fact_3 verb) == ^other_type)
^delete(_3# <------

  [ # 3 ]

Okay this is my next attempt. I tried to run a query on the list of facts contained in @0, using this funtion call:

#query(direct_svo subject verb object count fromset toset propogate match)

@= ^query(direct_sv eye component, ?, 1, @0

but it does not find anything.

@= ^query(direct_sv person component
 if (@
= ^next(@0all)
fact_3 subject) ^fact_3 verb) ^fact_3 object), 
   if (^
fact_3 subject) == eye)
@= ^query(direct_sv eye component, ?, 1, @0
    if (@
     {Found eye fact}
     {Failed to find eye fact}
  call failed

  [ # 4 ]

I see I am over complicating things again, so forget this question.


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