G’morning Bruce, I hope all is well with you and the move went smoothly. Let me add that I (I think we all) are anxiously awaiting the release of ChatScript 3.0.
A quick question on input.
I am using the output of pocketshinx (speech to text) as input to ChatScript, presently through a pipe in the shell. The problem is the output from ps is 4 lines for one output, as follows:
Recording is stopped, start recording with ad_start_rec
Stopped listening, please wait…
00000000#: RESPONSE
the first 4 lines are not needed (and I think the 3 is not always there), nor is the 9 digit counter and colon preceding RESPONSE.
So the question is, can Chatscript scrub all that junk before sending RESPONSE into the engine, or would I be better off doing that on the other end in your opinion? (Note, I have basically the same question in reverse over in the pocketsphinx forums).
regards, Richard