Our first commercial forray will be in the domain of Q&A, as this fits best our current development position, which we are hoping to have online in the next 4-6months. After which, additional systems and modules will be brought online and the respective services to suit.
C&E plays a part in them all, both in terms of factual and hypothetical results sets. The model provides a great deal of power, especially in the domains of inference, and deduction. This of course leverages heavily in problem solving, to such a degree, that CAESAR (as it is now called) is able to predict an outcome(s) of a set of inputs, and also work in reverse, given an outcome, determine a possible set of inputs that may lead to it. This is highly beneficial in medical applications and diagnosis of symptoms and diseases.
Language is handled differently than I believe most other systems do, in the sense that it cares not about the words at all, but that the words map to the concept tree’s which are constructed.
Parsing text in any language is a set of rules (complex and ambiguous at times) and the words themselves are nothing more than a mapping to a concept in a human mind, and id or association if you like.
E.G If you have no mapping for a particular sequence of letters (or sounds), then that is likely a word or even concept, that you do not know. At which point, you would request further information about the “concept” that tthe word describes. Information request is continued until you are sure that you have all the relevant components of that concept for that word mapping, understanding the concept, and its relation to other concepts that you do know, and so as to be able to expain such to another party that also may not have that word->concept mapping. At this stage, you can then understand what the other subject in the conversation is trying to convey.
For all intents and purposes, a dog, in Caesars mapping, could be represented by anything…..and it matters not, so long as when Caesar encounters the sequence in any language for a dog, that maps to the correct concept.
Different languages are mapped to corresponding concepts, and so long as the system is directed that the sequence of “chien” in French is equivalent to “dog” in English, they both map to the same concept.
How are you tackling these problems in your own systems? Are we aligning on more ideas? :D