Hey, all.
Has anyone else noticed some oddness in using names as variables?
Here is an example from my actual code (I didn’t sub anything out this time). First there is the rule:
u: (My wife is _*1 _*1)
$clean = ‘_0
$up = ‘_1
$clean $up. What a nice name.
(Rest assured that the variable names were subbed out from another example and there was no link intended between the discussion of a hypothetical domestic partner and household duties.)
Anyway, I then placed the above rule as a responder within a topic that had a few dummy gambits in place to fire when the rule wasn’t working. The results were as follows:
rob:_> My wife is Lydia Lunch.
REN1:_ If you’re trying for a responder and seeing these gambits, it’s not
rob:_> My wife is Katya Hickenlooper.
REN1:_ Sorry, still not working.
rob:_> My wife is super cool.
REN1:_ Super cool. What a nice name.
So the mystery is solved somewhat when I try the following:
rob:_> My wife is Super Cool.
Renata1: If you’re trying for a responder and seeing these gambits, it’s not working.
rob:_> My wife is Super cool.
Renata1: Super cool. What a nice name.
Obviously, the double capped words of the name are throwing the system somewhat.
I don’t mean cram two questions into one post, but there is a related issue that is probably, uh, related.
If my rule is:
u: (I would like _* variables) Oh! _0 variables, eh? I think we can do that for you.
And I supply an input of:
rob:_> I would like pink variables.
The output I get is:
Renata1: Oh! pink variables, eh? I think we can do that for you.
The tricky thing here is that I don’t know how to tell the system to capitalize the “p” that is the start of the new sentence. The funny thing is that the system DOES do this in the above example when I wrote my wife was “super cool.” This may be related or it may not be.
Thank you!