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Change in 2.95 User Directory

Just curious Bruce, I just started working through 2.95 per our discussion under the segfault topic, and I noticed that in 2.95 the two user text files now reside under a tree of directories, to wit: log-richard.txt and topic_richard_harry.txt are in directory c which is in i which is in r which is in USERS. It’s not an issue, I was just curious if the change was to better support multiple users or some other reason.

If my wife and daughter actually allow me some time this morning I should be able to work my through to where the original segfault occurred and report back shortly.

regards, Richard


  [ # 1 ]

The build that I deliver nowadays with the evserver using the makefile in src,  is designed for MASSIVE thruput and users. That chatscript server can (from the same port) scale across multiple cores almost linearly.

If you build the old fashioned way with the compile script in LINUX, then you dont get evserver and you dont get the
USERPATHPREFIX define turned on, that creates a tree of directories.

ChatScript is preparing for use by hundreds of thousands of users soon. That many user files will degrade many file systems significantly if stored flat. Hence the hiearchical structure.


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