So, Bruce, given that ChatScript can watch the conversation and modify itself, what are your thoughts about the theoretical limits of what it COULD someday do, and what the rate-limiting factors are on it evolving to that point (or along that axis.)
You’ve put a lot of work into providing for relatively easy development (even by a separated team) of orthogonal topics, and trying to keep the syntax sufficiently clean and lucid so that a developer can “glance” (or so) at it and see what it is supposed to do or is doing, and not get irretrievably tangled in complexity. (unlike some earlier products…:)
With ^export and ^import all kinds of background processing could be added, but let’s say for now that such is limited to database calls, web-searches, and patterns that Unix or Perl can detect and parse and hand back to the Engine, to keep most processing in one place.
It seems that such a system is in some sense Turing complete, or whatever the right term is, in that it should be theoretically able to tackle any task given infinit time. My question is much more practical, namely, how much could the system evolve in, say, 5 or 10 years time?
I’m trying to open a discussion about what the enzymes or accelerators are that would boost the system’s rate of evolution. And looking for things more powerful than, say, a color-coded language-specific editor in Eclipse.
What do computational linguists think about ChatScript? What would they add, if they could?
Specifically, say, this forum ( is one type of meta-evolver, which can allow some limited exchange of snippets of useful code and concepts between the man-machine hybrid duals of (developer + their chatbot.)
For example, I’m still considering branching to ALICE - AIML bot in the background instead of going to the “I don’t know how to respond to that.” or other default fall-through response, to deal with off-the-wall input from users. ALICE has digested a large corpus of human conversational volleys and I don’t know (?) if all of that wisdom can be parsed out and wrapped into a core background ChatScript brain that we all share, can contribute to, and can draw on with system calls.
I could and might write a general interface to MySQL, so that there’s one stable paved path to look up data that we can improve from.
But it really seems, in some way, that ChatScript should be able to reflect on, learn from, and improve ChatScript code. Then, instead of asking Bruce or Dave how some snippet of code looks, I could ask the ChatScriptLintBot to read my code and suggest (or make) improvements,
as well as to tease out useful new patterns of general interest and flag those for future use.
I’ll stop here and see what kind of interest there is in this discussion or pointers to other literature I should go read.