Can some kind person give me or point me to a fully-worked example of how to process multiple sentences in one user input? I can’t find one in the manual or tutorial. Is there a repository of worked examples somehwere?
I understand the ^query part on facts, but not the overall high-level processing structure for the multiple-sentence input.
So, say the user asks: What is your name and address?
Or to be sure the questions are different topics, “What is your name and who do you think will win the election?
So, first we’d have to figure out that these input sentences are really two separate questions, I guess, and change the input to: “What is your name? What is your address?” and substitute that for what the user said.
I THINK that would involve something like:
[figure stuff out]
^input ( What is your address ?)
^input ( What is your name ? )
( ? maybe ?)
At that point, or some similar point, we now have as replacement input two distinct questions on unrelated topics (suppose.)
It’s not clear to me what they are input TO, either after the processing described above, or after the user simply types two questions and hits <enter>.
Are we still in the context of the topic? Or is this as if the user had simply typed these two questions and the engine still has to figure out what topic each one belongs to? Or is this where something like ^fail(TOPIC) should happen to force a fresh look?
And, further, what patterns would my rules look for? Should a pattern attempt to match
the FIRST incoming question only? Should there be a wildcard at the end to absorb the second question?
Do I somehow use %more ?
And if I use %more and realize there’s more sentences, how do I complete output, if I feel like it at this point, and then shift my focus to the next sentence?
Thank you.