I am working my way through the user manual and I am up to the part, on random gambits and can’t get them to work.
The topic will not activate at all, unless I add a normal Gambit (t:) above the subtopic about swimming. In that case, it works its way through all gambits from top to bottom without randomness, as if both random gambits were ordinary gambits. Can you see what I am doing that is wrong?
topic: ~BEACH2 (beach sand ocean sand_castle )
# subtopic about swimming
r: Do you like the ocean?
t: I like swimming in the ocean.
t: I often go to the beach to swim.
# subtopic about sand castles.
r: Have you made sand castles?
a: (~yes) Maybe sometime you can make some that I can go see.
a: (~no) I admire those who make luxury sand castles.
t: I’ve seen pictures of some really grand sand castles.